here is another pic that i made in photoshop. its nothing good but here it is.
Very funky, would looks cool with some kind of colour in the centre too. Very nice :bounce:
- Soul :goatee:
i think thats a pretty good idea that u could build on to make somethin pretty cool… but its kind of easy to pick out all of the filters you used and stuff so i recommend expirementing and making some of your own styles and tryin to get away from only using filters
wow Alex, you went filter happy huh? ahhaha Keep on experimenting young one. =)
hey i just bought another copy of the book i learned from for my friend. he is now like way better than he started. i suggest you check it out dude. Photoshop 7 Down and Dirty Tricks by Scott Kelby.=)
the problem is i am using the trial version and it is up in a couple of days. how much is photo shop?
here is the tut that i followed and it sorta worked out lol …
its that bad?
i think im going to call it got grass:o
if you look carefully at the tute you were following, they are very precise with their shadows and highlights to make it look 3d. I think you’ve got the brush set to an overly large size, which means that your highlights dominate the tenticles, and don’t give it the 3d look the tutorial is about…
by the way, Photoshop is about $700 US dollars i think, so start saving uP!