beerQuest - my first entry

I thought i’d do something different other then those music mags or something, even though i’ll probably submit one like that later.

The word beerQuest just popped into my head so I took it from there, even though i know beerQuest has been used heaps before but i’ll get over it. Since i did a website for a restaurant a few weeks back i found the perfect image for my heading, then i just snapped a pic of a pub down the road and got cracking.

All comments welcome guys, Cheers



here it is:

ooooh, this is one of my favorites so far. Looks very professional.

i agree:D

Wow, that really looks like a magazine cover! Great Job!

■■■■, that looks awesome!
one of my faves for now:)

way to go :thumb:

Looks good, me likey :slight_smile:

I’m not a great big fan of the subject matter, but as far as designing goes, that’s great stuff there.

I love the subject matter! Cheers!:beer:

thanks mate :beer: :beer: :beer:, looks like lionheartace isnt a beer drinker :(, maybe i could make a wineQuest companion magazine for you?

very nice! i’d like to see oatmeal quest. :wink: for us oatmeal drinkers

That’s awesome-ly professional. I like the Q.

:stuck_out_tongue: that’s great!

I love it.

Other than that the title really begs for a spoonerism…

beer quest … qu… b…:krazy: :krazy: :smiley:

I’ve went though all the current entries and this one is my fav.

[whisper]has fester seen this lol.[/whisper]

very nice work! trust a auzzie to design a mag on beer, LOL…

few things that i noticed… body text could use some work, maybe different font maybe just some treatment (diff colours?/positioning)… not sure exactly.

also panels behind ‘complete guide’ ‘beer review’ and ‘interview’ get lost in the background, possibly use a tint of that orange/brown(gold) you are using in the other areas. Thats all im going to say :wink:

good luck in the comp!, up the auzzies! hehe… :slight_smile: