Beginner Q: Ungrouping for Shape Tween

I’m trying to tween some text into a shape.
I read that you can’t shape tween between 2 symbols.

Whats the best way to ungroup text and my vector image:q:
(they are in the library as movie symbols)

Modify > Ungroup isn’t highlighted when I click on my text or vector graphic.

Is there a better way:q:

:-\ you can’t do that

motiontweens are for symbols shapetweens are for graphics. if you want to shape tween your text into a shape … put your text on a keyframe, go to modify > break apart then with the letters highlighted go to modify > break apart … again

now your text is just shapes and then 5 or 10 frames later (whatever you want) put another keyframe with the shape you want it to tween into on the frame

then do a shapetween on the first frame of that sequence and it should work. but you can never do a shapetween between two symbols.

hope this helps
good luck :slight_smile: