Beginner - Texturing A Model In 3DSMax6

Hi Guys - So far I’ve got some of the modelling down. Now I just want to learn the basics of texturing.

Let’s say I have flat plane. I want to texture it to look a little old and rusty and grungy.

In photoshop - how do I know how big to create the grunge effect? And how would I know where to put the grunge brushes on?

So let’s say I have a small image saved as a .jpg.

How would I import this to 3DSM into the materials and apply it to the plane and edit how big it looks on the plane and stuff?

(Plane is a smooth flat square/square for those who don’t know)

Thanks, Sharif :p:.

Thanks Morse. I actually saw a tutorial that taught me how to apply textures along with sizing it :). That link is great.

What’s bump mapping and what’s the point of it if texturing is already done? Is there a point to adding a black and white image underneath?

How would I get round round edges for my cube I made? Bevel? Meshsmooth?

Bump mapping uses a black and white map to map extra 3D detail onto the surface of a material. The black and white defines topographic height which the rendering engine turns into a 3D surface. It’s used when you have very fine amounts of detail that would be difficult to make with actual geometry. If you think of a metal surface as a flat plane… then the bump map would define the small nicks and dents in the surface of the metal.

There are other greyscale maps you add to get extra realism from a 3D surface:

  • Specular maps
  • Opacity maps

Alot of them are used in game modelling because it reduces the load on the game engine, but you can still get a higher level of realism.

Cool - thanks. I’ll learn that soon :).

If you want to smooth something, use NURBS, and no more then 2 iterations.

morse thanks for that link, it has some cool Maya stuff too!