3D Surface Modelling

Seeing a previous thread, I thought I would show you an example of simple surface modelling to create an ‘ANT ALIEN’ that you could use in an animation…

I use 3ds max for some modelling but mostly solidworks… this project was how I started to learn 3d software

I think it is nice for 3d newbies to see how a project could develop, no other reason for posting it! :slight_smile:

  1. draw front and side views on paper of your creature

  2. scan in and position in background on 3d software (in corresponding isometric viewports)(isometric = front, side…)

  3. mark guide lines in (3d software) along critical surfaces on the hand drawings

  4. create lots of small patches and line up the anchor points on each patch with the guide lines you have drawn

  5. join patches together and use the many anchor points you have to alter the model

ooops… ONLY DO HALF THE FACE… because you use the reflect tool to creat a whole face (assuming symmetry)

the bumpy texture is done using filters and is really trial by error


Thats pretty sweet billystar, never really considered the import artwork factor before… I can see a lot of possibilities there…
the textured image is nice… reminds me of ‘Race 251’ or what ever they were called from star trek voyager… :smiley:
you going to post more textures…?

actually the idea of importing artwork or sketches is widely used…

the bumpy texture is done using filters and is really trial by error
Or often done using uv unwrapping, & hand painting you bumps & stuff. Displacement & bumpmaps included. Not to mention tools such as Bodypaint which allow you to draw on the actual model =)

yep… you are right about that… mostly I see this used for car modeling… lots of folks love this technique, especially when you get hold to a series of prints. but me… I have always done my modeling using a ruler and my eye, never really thought about importing artwork… I guess i will have to try it one day

lol ruler…

no seriously … snickering I use a tape messure and eye-ball alot of models,
I don’t do characters too often so most of my models tend to be non- organic
all you need is dimentions… :smiley:

I tend to “eyeball” a lot when I suck a modelling… I remember a videotut on 3dbuzz about modelling an alien head, that was actually purdy easy using the artwork setup they did…

you should try the ruler thing… can’t go wrong with exact measurements…
if it measures 5 feet 7 and 3 quarter inches… then it’s 5’ 7 and 3/4 inches…
no doubt about it… he he