Beginners question about swift3d

Ok, im sure this has been asked/answered alot but I didn’t see it in the topic list or anything…

Swift3D renders SLOW. Like god awful slow. Like… after a half hour only having rendered 4/60 frames slow.

Is this my system? I don’t have a particularly slow machine

AMD Athlon 1.4ghz
7200rpm drives all around
Geforce2 32mb (but i doubt swift utilizes this)

and I wasnt doing anything else while it was rendering. Is there a setting I need to change? Perhaps write combining on my vid card? I remember capture apps didn’t like this setting but I have yet to toggle it and try it agian.

Any help would be particularly awesome… thank you!

renderers are slow… not much you can do there. You can throw a dual or quad processor and you’ll still have to wait (not nearly as long, of course).

Just do your drafts in wireframe or cartoon color… cut down on what is displayed and the render time will be significantly decreased.

yes soon as you add transparencies and raytracing, reflection…you will have these do your rendering in steps wire, cartoon, shaded…then finale. I have a truly high powered machine and it takes hours for me to render stuff.

a very important factor is what type of fill youre using if your gonna use meshes you will wait a while if you want fast renders and small files i recommend the cartoon average fill and also choose the automatic detail level because if you choose high oh boy your gonna be waiting days lol
