Alright, now that you read the topic, here’s my situation. I was working in eclipse on a project I had just completed (the site is for my father, it’s at for anyone interested). I was trying to combine a bunch of my class libraries into one location, so I deleted the core library/resource libraries I had set for the project originally and it got a bit funky (I couldn’t find out how to set a new core library for the project). I ended up deleting the project (not off the hard drive, but out of eclipse) and recreating the project in the same location with the same name. Yes, dumb move, but I was eager to get all the errors out of eclipse solved and everything back to normal. In that instant, the new folder overwrote my old one and i lost EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING (even the psd comps which were also in that folder, just everything, although i could care less about the psds cuz a friend of mine who did the original design has them).
I need to decompile my own (READ: MY OWN) swf and see how much I can recover without having to redo everything. I was going to shell out 60 bux for Action Script Viewer from buraks but I wanted to know what the best one by majority opinion is. My biggest concern is to recover as much of the class files as possible and as close of an fla as i can get to the original exported out of the decompiler. Anyone have any experience with them? I’ve used SoThink in the past but it gets kind of ugly, and ASV seems to be updated regularly with Flash 8 support and all. Please, any help would be greatly appreciated.
And just for the record, please spare me the “you should always back up” speeches as I know this already and I SWEAR on everything, last night I wanted to back my projects up but I got sidetracked watching the office (DAMN YOU STEVE CARRELL!) Suffice it to say, I am now setting up an SVN repository for future projects on my machine and this should not happen again (aside from my carelessness of naming stuff and not making a copy before making drastic changes to all my eclipse projects).
Thanks for ANY help ANYONE can offer. I greatly appreciate it.
Last but not least, I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this, I wasn’t sure where to put it and a moderator is welcome to move it wherever a better fit may be. Thank you.