Beta Macromedia Flash 7

Check it out! May be a hoax, may be not!


huh… i’m just started with MX, now come the new version

i read something about a spell check, boy would i love that

it is real.

you nuts this is more fake than fake everyone knows the mac version of flash always comes out a few months after the pc version does rotflmao you guys believe anything lol :wink:

it’s not fake, I have it.

its already out?

*Originally posted by jacmaes *
**it’s not fake, I have it. **

sure you do post a screenshot if you do with your desktop and the screen lets see if its true, if it wouldve been out it would have been leaked all over the net like winxp amongh other apps that have been leaked months before they even were released :evil:

Apparently information has leaked, and someone gave out info/software disregarding the NDA he/she’s under :sigh:

there was a thread on another forum (flashmove) with a lot of info about it and some half-functional swf’s, i tried accessing it now, they deleted it :sure:

why would they delete it?? :sure:

I’m guessing they’ve been asked by MM to remove it :slight_smile:


what’s that supposed to mean? huh? :stuck_out_tongue:

nuttin im just waiting for a screenshot of it :sure: lol :wink:

I’ve found it on Carracho, but haven’t been able to find a serial for it… So no screenshot. It installs up to the screen where you have to enter the serial.
I read that someone was able to hack it, but it was too buggy to really use it.

i still don’t believe it. as nice as a spell check is, i still dont believe it.

this is not a good topic for this board…

let’s let this die…

and go back to talking about what the thread is about… please?


:sure: so how do you really know its the actual program if you cant install it for all we know it could be a installer with a few nice splash pages that probably installs some other app

the on the 1st link contains some interesting stuff…
who cares, betas suk, and it’s still long enuff 'till Xmas for it to come out… :wink:

So who was right, grimdeath?