I’ve got the skeleton of my new site working, and any opinions on it from you guys would be much appreciated.
It’s no special URL, I’ve just replaced the old one. So www.nowingsnohalo.co.uk will work fine. I’m figuring no-one goes there often enough to worry about not having a fully working copy up.
So yeah, half the links won’t work and it’s kinda buggy. But before I tell the masses…
But they’re so pretty and lovely and I just couldn’t refuse them… “Use me! Use me!” they called, and it would be churlish to say no…
I’m think I need some sound in there. A Star Wars-y type beep on a menu button click, that kind of thing. Good idea? Or troll-like in stupidity? Does it bug people? Argh…
Correct, I did post the idea a while back (though I’ve only just acted upon it) and you won’t find a single transition on there. :beam:
I was thinking of adding preloaders to each little module, but they’re mostly so ickle it hardly seems worth it. Toyed with the idea of transitions… But I didn’t want it to appear overly in-your-face and flashy. Plus I couldn’t actually think of any.
That was the major stumbling block.
There is actually a gap in each movie for a transition / preloader if I want to put one in (or any bright spark has an idea? )…
Thing was, I did try doing the layout in HTML, because that seemed the logical thing to do. But it all got so complicated with tables, then layers and there were about a million graphics involved too… Major headache.
So I stuck all the contect into Flash movies and just the header, footer and border in HTML. Plus of course, I can get my pixel font in there. :beam:
It’s going to use Flash more eventually though. Right now I’m just re-creating everything that’s currently there (plus a few more odds and sods). But I want a shoutbox on there, and some games… Email form in Flash would be cool too. You know the kind of thing.