I have a new site I’ve designed for a model. Please go have a look and let me know what you think:
All fairly simple and no sound, but I was doing it on the cheap…!!!
I have a new site I’ve designed for a model. Please go have a look and let me know what you think:
All fairly simple and no sound, but I was doing it on the cheap…!!!
Had a look at your site and it seems fine…
First thing i noticed was at the top of the browser window it said “Untitled Document” …
Easy to change and I’m sure that you will know how…
Second thing was that the site was not centred to the screen…
Unsure if this is how it is meant to be? Personally i think it would look better centred…
Only thing i didn’t like was your navigation… it would look better along the bottom of the outline underneath…
That way you would manage to fit in all of your links … the link for contact looks odd sitting there…
Another thing that would give it a bit more ooomph would be to have some sort of transition between images in the gallery section…
Apart from that it looks good…music would have been nice too but you have said that you did it on the cheap…
Sometimes you have to give a little extra to make your sites stand out…
If you think about it your work is your reputation…and how much does that cost?
Hope this helps…
Cheers An0rak - some good points.
I liked what you say about putting the navigation along the bottom, underneath it all. Tried a lot of different places, but not there and I think you’re right! (They also kept changing their mind about how many pages they wanted - they all fitted in nicely until the ‘television’ one was added…!)
Also, I agree with what you say about the picture transistions. Lazyness on my part, coupled with the need to paid!
Thanks for your views!
no probs m8
good luck
try using a pixel font and try not to have your flash movies scaled to 100% it messes up the images you use if viwed at a higher resolution than the res you designed the site the images will get all pixelated and you dont want that to hapen to design for a specific resolution, 800x600 is the standard so design towards that resolution, as for the menu why not make a bar at the bottom like anorak said or maybe a solid color to the left with a image that has a gradient towards the solid color of the menu, if space is a concern then place it at the bottom all in all it lloks good keep up the good work and post back your progress :beam:
overall, I really like this site. It’s clean and simple, and also
feminine and elegant. It works really well for the subject and
i disagree about the 100% scale point. Usually I would agree
with that, but I think the photo and the site is clean enough to get
away with it. I’m using a 19" @ 1280x1024 and it’s perfectly clear
with no distortion at all. I’m impressed actually!
The font is also clean at any size. This is also impressive.
The colors are elegant to me, so I have no problem with that. I
would have like to see a bit more color in general though.
The nav is definitely crowded within the main box. Their
suggestions to move it are merited, but I think at the top would
look more professional. JMO.
nice site, pretty girl, maybe the links could laid out a bit better as critiqued above
good job overall
eek! using music or pixel fonts to make a flash page stand out? i hardly see a flash site anymore that DOESN’T have either of those, so this is a refreshing change
i like the circle theme of the layout.
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