Hey, what happened to the “New posts” & “No new posts” icons of the black theme ? *EDIT (:P)*Kirupa, please change these back to the original.
Hey - I actually changed them; the white one is supposed to be for new posts and the black one is for old posts. I thought it would help to change the styles more than simple color changes.
Is the change too confusing - I can always try other image combinations.
Kirupa :bandit:
oo00oo00oo I like those icons!
i like it kirupa! i notice the icons are changing for other themes too. Very good idea. Now users can cusomize kirupa!
(whilst your at it, can you do an orange (fruit) icon for little ol’ me?)
the orange one
Hey theOrangeOne, feel free to use the one that the site uses. I don’t know how to create an icon, and the icons used on the site are used with permission from Dark Project Studios (see link at the copyright at the bottom).
I’m slowly getting around to changing all the styles; I hope to be done soon =)
heh, no worries! i am loving the new styles though! (and suprise, suprise - im using the orange theme :beam: )
Keep up the good work K-man!
argh! I love the new styles (though I’m still using blue), but I have to say, i really don’t like the new icons (new/no new posts icons)! Sorry! but it was so much more obvious before: what had new stuff and waht didnt! please! please change it!
I changed the icon for new posts for the Blue one - it has more colors and is a little bit brighter. Does this help?
w00t! yes! thanks k! (but are you planning to change the icons in the forums as well? :()
Which icons in the forums? You mean the User CP, Register, Calendar, F.A.Q., etc.?
no no, I mean the icons on the left of the forums (and PLEASE don’t change the yellow arrow thingies… PLEASE :x)
Hey nice icons! They look like jpg images now… or sth!
No, the yellow arrows will stay! The icons on the left were just changed a few minutes ago (the blue new post/old post icon).
actually these are what I meant, but as long as the yellow arrows are staying… keep up the good work!
(lol, any excuse to do some 'Print Screen’ing :))
Oh haha, no, those icons will stay. Eilsoe did a really nice job with the post icons, and I don’t think I’ll be able to find something better
Ooh, --censored–, black was my favorite colour. But yeah I guess I’ll have to live with it.
I looooooove the new icons for the black one kirupa… :beam: