Ok here it is.
Comments are always welcome.
“Refined” by PRStudio
Even has the fence for ya Soul.
Ok here it is.
Comments are always welcome.
“Refined” by PRStudio
Even has the fence for ya Soul.
it’s phat but the fonts in the footer are blurred a little bit…
cool one.
I want an own one too…
…so I made one too.
Hey pr!
The style looks excellent. I too think the fonts in the footer are a little bit blurred. Once that is fixed, I will have it added to the site immediately.
McGiver - great style! The random icons in the header are loading a good bit below their original location. Or was that your intention?
I thought the random Icons didn’t really fit to the background, so I moved them.
Feel free to modify (or tell me what to modify) if you want
Well if you don’t like the random icons, you can remove them altogether. I’ll only cry about for a few mins and then get over it! Seriously though, you can add your own icon that may look better, change the font of the kirupa.com style, etc. Just whatever you want to do :ub:
thanks, but no, I like the random Icons (and I want to keep the layout as close to the original as possible, to make changing the style easier)
I am open for any new ideas.
Hope you guys dont mine me posting the style i made, kirupa it’s final from my side, if you still think theres some changes you might want tomake, i can email the fla’s to you, please pm me your emal address if you want to change something.
If Added please call it “sparklez by Jasninder”
Here it is updated, and a bit more 20/20
Jaz, I love the sparkles! :stunned: But omething is sticking out of the scroller in your footer, you might wanna take a look at that
Hey is that all it takes to do a style? What about the body colors? The tables and stuff? :h: If that’s all I’d love to make some styles
Thanks! Both the styles are great. I’ll have them added sometime in the next few days Phat, I usually take care of the colors, but you are free to do specify any particular you like, icons you would rather use, etc. :fe:
I had come up with a color scheme. Disregard the font difference in the attachment.
I like those colors, but if you see something that looks better; by all means use it.
Thank you Sir,
Ai - I just added your style to the forum with a different font and color scheme. If you don’t like the one I used, feel free to tell me, and I’ll change it.
Also, call me Kirupa or Kirinbeta or Kirocular…“sir” makes me feel all old and mean (though a few people would think that of me :evil:
I’m using prs’ style. it’s sooo sweet. Thank you!
Yeah - his style is really awesome
woohoo, now it doesnt look like i sit infront of the same site all day…
awsome new additions!
Yea I am setting this one!
What is the font u are using?
i did nothing more than adding sparkles, its working fine here phat, i dont mind sharing the fla, if you feel there’s a bug then feel free to dubug
Looking forward to see the sparklez soon.
Sparkles are niiiiiice man.
Thanks everyone!
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