well folks, my new site is finally up. its been awhile since i last posted. but im back!

check me out over at: blackpulp

the site is 100% actionscript, and i designed it so that you could view multiple content windows at the same time. check it out!

comments? suggestions?


wow. sweet ahss site man! no complaints here.

~ Lacuna :love:

THat is freakin sweet! I love the music! That is a awsome site!

very enjoyable. Other sites also. thank you.

ps who is the music by? These Faces?

Mmmmm… very sexy, very well thought out. Did a good job, only thing I didn’t like was the background that looked like scrabble pieces. Good job.

very nice work mate… a great job :thumb:

the pic of the apollo…I like your ideas, clean design keep up the good work…

very nice…one of the best simple designs have ever seen…all elements of the site work well with each other.

Portfolio was awesome too…great work.

very very nice blackpulp, you know I love your work. :wink: this is superbly done, and I love how you accounted for flexibility for all resolutions. Nice ideas all around and I also like the simplicity as has been said. This is definitely a ‘keeper.’ =)

AWESOME!!! No complaints at all!

Yes, I liked that feature too, so if I resized the window it would adjust the scrollbars, etc.

I’ll just add to the list of very well dones. You’ll win awards with that site for sure.

nice job! i’d like a motion tween between the closing of the left most window and whatever falls into it’s place

very nice! :slight_smile:

you guys rock, thank you so much for all of your support, seriously, i have been a bit nervous, like most designers are about putting up a piece that represents themselves.

i love kirupa, and this was the community i really cared about what they thought. thank you guys so much.

bodyvisual, you are right, i am trying to work on some closing tweens and animations, but its been really tricky, the site is already like 1200 lines of AS, and its getting really complex to add more functions. that is going to be one of the things i intend to launch in version 2 for sure. i am also planning on integrating some flash comm stuff in as well.

i dont like the scrabble pieces pic thing either, it is actually my refrigerator, and its a note i left to myself, it is only up for humor value. not really photographic.

but that being said, it may not always come across that way? people might just think im a poor photographer.

the music is by an aquaintance of mine named kirk, friend of a friend, this is his only song he has right now, he has no site, no band, no cd, just this one produced song, and i thought it was amazing…i wanted to show it off!!!

thanx again everyone! again, let me know if you find bugs, suggestions, comments! i would love to hear them all…also, pray for me, i entered SOTW this week…and the competition is steep! i just hope the judges recognize all the thinking i put into this site, i hope the simplicity doesnt work against me…there was a lot of situations thought out, especially when the user starts resizing, or the window fills up with content…

I take it back… your site is crap. You don’t want to put it up for SOTW this week!

Yeah maybe next week…

crap man! thats it, i quit. im resigning from the race.

oh ya, well youre crap man!

ok, im not that mean, youre not crap, and i hope you kick my butt!


i really dig your simplicity…and colors…

I got nothing but love for you, but your site is by far better. You will deserve the win.

I don’t feel worthy to even look at this site, let alone comment on it, but there was too much text for me. But then again it is 12 35am and my eyes are killing me. Apart from the overall idea and implementation, I especially like your logo and button rollovers.

hehe, wait till 4 :slight_smile:

ooh, flash comm… i’d love to know more about that, but, yea. 1200 lines of AS… quite an undertaking. it’s a little thing adding closing tweens.

and, best of luck winning SOTW!

peace out :slight_smile:

awesome site, blackpulp. I really love the window system that opens the content. Great work :thumb: