Hi, I made a lab. It’s some text that is made with bitmapData.
I also made a font editor.
so im not even gonna look at the .fla, did you jsut draw this or is there a way to type or something… i dunno, cool but i wish i could do more then just look at it with the .swf, like maybe in swf font creator plus type would be cool =)
It would be nicer if you made each letter as an array that draws when you type it into a textfield. Something for a new version maybe?
bombsledder, if you download the fla, you can change the message, that is a string. The string will be drawed into the bitmapdata - with setPixel.
Joppe, yeah, it can’t be so hard.
EDIT, fixed.
If you use createEmptyTextField
you can then use bitmapDataObj.draw(*textField*, ...);
to draw the text on the bitmap.
Nice work, though.
eather way its still cool i’ll download the .fla and check it out later when i have some time
Nice :thumb: