Today around 9:00, a bomb threat was called into the police that a bomb was some where in my school. The police that were called with the bomb threat were about 3 towns away. As soon as my school hared about it, Fire alarms went off, and everyone got out and we went out side to the track and stayed there for about and hour while the police and the dogs searched the building. When we were called to go back in, this was kind of scary because we didn’t know what was going to happen next.
hmm, could anyone of you guys make a phone call to DHG Würzburg in germany telling them there is a bomb in the building.
Just for fun. (I write a difficult test tomorrow )
A bomb threat? well, thats not something you hear about everyday. My school recently had a locker fire and I missed lunch period. That sucked. Some stupid kid decided to burn another kid’s locker contents. As****shole
this doesn’t sound amazing to me, my 7th grade year my middle school had like 5 bomb scares. Some dude took some red paint and drew out the word THERE IS A BOMB IN THIS SCHOOL!
in the bathroom. then some anynomonus girl left a note in the office talking about the second “bomb” third bomb was the same fourth bomb was the same and the fifth bomb was done by an idiot at lunch time screaming out BOOMMMMBB!!!
we didn’t have had something like that in our school.
once I guy had the nice I idea that a plastic toilet seat might burn, and an intellectually gifted child tried to ram his head throgh a glass against a fire alarm button, but that was it.
Dude, I’ve never heard of so much stuff happening to one person.
You’d better archive these posts in Kirupaville so you can show your grand kids some day. Maybe even write a book about it…
I had a few bomb threats called in to my high school a few years ago. One class was cancelled and another shortened, but they made us go right back to work. The threats ended when the school said they’d extend the school day to make us compensate for the lost time.
Wow - I guess some things never change. I have been gone for a little while and I come back and Alex has a life altering moment on the front page AGAIN!
*Originally posted by SureShot *
**Wow - I guess some things never change. I have been gone for a little while and I come back and Alex has a life altering moment on the front page AGAIN!
You live an amazing life my friend! **
Yeah I noticed you havnt been around man. What the hell have you been up to?