Bored - battle time

k, cool. here is the stock in full:

do it!

ok awaiting my turn, is there a time limit to submit changes?
pretty busy doing virtual tours for client but will work at night.

looking foreward to it.

ok ive finished I like it alot compared to a few others I tried the lyrics are killswitch engage- When darkness falls.

How about the psd?

ya I have to post it on my site im doing that now. the site will be

cool start this should be interesting

Alright im workin on it tonight, should be tomorrow morning or so when i upload it :slight_smile:

Oh, im scaling it down to 800x600 too.

ya sorry bout big size i just used the stock image

its cool :slight_smile:

Uploading now…should def be there by morning (say 8am EST):



hell ya man thats really sweet

ok attuned when you are finished could you zip it since were i live we still use modems yeah i know 3rd world but we have to live with it.

Idolthoughts great start

ok got the psd attuned will post later tonight - let the games begin

:slight_smile: im on a modem too. Not sure why you want me to zip it?

zip smaller file size - here is the jpg link
busy uploading the psd. idolthoughts i will add the psd link as the file is uploaded

sorry having problems uploading files bigger than 2megs to my server, I have even tried to upload them onto websites that i have done for clients - does anybody know of free web hosting with no limit to file size uploads sothat i can upload the .psd file

sorry for all the posts :: problems solved free account and here is the link ::

and here is the jpeg view ::

Oh ok, got it.

I can offer you cheap hosting :wink:

Lookin good so far guys! Keep it goin. What are the guidelines in a battle about keeping the changes people make each time? Like, keep a few but not all. Or, no rules?

you have to use at least 1 part of the person before you’s piece not the hole thing. and not the person before thems only if you want to.

How bout we change the backround image everyround this one can get really boring.