10 rounds :lol: :trout: :z:
what? what about 10 rounds I dont have much time to battle but I at least have time for ten possibly 20
10 rounds is above normal. 8 is the norm usually. 20 is outrageous and takes a loooooong time to do. The battle between UNFLUX and I was 8 and it last about two to three weeks. Just to give you an idea…
thanks for the idea
I changed it to a six round battle. as you can see
i want to do a battle. let’s do it.
Alright you want me to make the rules up.
sure. is this a collaboration or a battle? haven’t ever done a battle before but i’m working on a couple collabs with a buddy of mine. they are great so far.
Um lets say a battle.
5 rounds
new stock image every round
Size: size of stock image
Programs: Photoshop
Theme:different each round?
tell me what you think.
I think we should do it like this…
yeah 5 rounds is fine (5 for each person, right?)
make whatever ya want… but the next person has to keep one layer or element from the previous psd.
theme can change.
i don’t have any stock images… nor do i know where to find any. yeah i’m a loser- i only know of b man artworks.
oh and size… you can define it when you make the first one… and it should stay the same throughout the whole battle. yes?
does this all sound good? I’m new to battles, but I bet I could do good. I’m a decent photoshoper.
okay i just found out a round is just one person. so lets have 6 rounds, yes? that means 3 each, yes?
that way we both have equal ammounts and yeah.
i would also like to request to have no vulagarities or unnecessary nudeness. heh. there’s a difference between pr0n and art.
ok then this
5 for each (5 rounds)
What ever you want but has to incorperate image from other persons last piece
size under 800X600 but must be same size after first image set
Themes can change.
sound good you want to serve first or should I?
i would also like to request to have no vulagarities or unnecessary nudeness. heh. there’s a difference between pr0n and art.
I agree I dot use any nudes and I use mild swearing I hardly ever use it. Want me to start it.?
yes. we are each doing 5 designs?
do you want me to start the battle or are you going to?
you can bro.