Hi there
I’m really bored… anyone want to battle? (photoshop) nothing with cars though… :cap:
Hi there
I’m really bored… anyone want to battle? (photoshop) nothing with cars though… :cap:
I’ll do battle. I’m in a bunch of others but the action is few and far between.
i could do a round or two
good! ehm… could anyone of you set the rules…? since this is my first battle… ehhehe… :sigh:
IM in…
Some battles r quite forgotten…
I wanna participate of this one…
Something tells me its gonna be nice… :]
ok how about:
3 rounds
first theme: technology (saw that in an unfinished battle…)
second theme: music/sound
third theme: city life
is that enough or do we need pictures wich all can use…? I dont know if those themes are any good for a battle, I just wanna get started…
Can I join?
It sounds cool.
My photoshop is very self taught but ok.
File/dimension size limitations?
I’m in too then if there’s room . . . . I’m waiting on other battles . . . snore
again, I have rudimentary PS skills but keen to test them out (like a baby bird taking flight over shark infested waters).
I like the themes -
lets go 800*600 max or 500KB jpgs
we’re all going at the same time yeah and have a max of 2 days to complete it (a good games a fast game) - and the next round begins when the last person submits or at the close of day 2.
There’s 7 of us all keen so Saddle up pilgrams, get your game face on, be the ball . . . .
Round 1: TECHNOLOGY - you have 2 days max and your time starts . . . . . NOW!
OK… Then…
Good Luck to all…
Make it UNIQUE!!
OK here’s my Technology effort, a pretty basic but that’s why I’m here, so y’all can show me how its done.
I have a server we can post on if needed, I’ll do up a page when I get a bit of time.
Here is my technology one.
Not really as good as I would like but there you go…
pastywhiteboy, When I saw yours I couldn’t help myself from adding the text to mine - sorry…
[edit/] Also, I just noticed that the background to yours is a computer circuit board - I did mine before I saw it - honest
alright… my hosting won’t let me hotlink to files and the attatch file thing won’t let me have more than 74kb so paste this in your browser:
heres my entry for the first round…
all design elements are inspired by- or drawn from the inside of the player, so its not as trendywhore-like as it may seem…
heres my entry for the first round…
all design elements are inspired by- or drawn from the inside of the player, so its not as trendywhore-like as it may seem…
hm actually we said 2 days per round… did everyone forget about this battle…?!
Here’s mine.
If you’re not seeing it go here:
Nice work people!! loving the different styles coming out - first blood (in my opinion only) goes to punkerton for the USB canvas.
2 days is up - sorry it fell on a weekend, and the weather was way too nice to be inside, but now work has begun again . . . so GAME ON!
You have 2 days and your time starts . . . . now!! - time to step it up, the time is now, you were born for this . . . . insert more lame Tony Robbins quotes here . . . Just do it.
I’m on it already.
My Music one is going to be better (I hope)
Are we allowed to get pictures off the web etc, or do they have to be our own?
sorry, double post I know…
I’d prefer using own images… it depends if you only need a part from the image or if the photography is the actual achievement (not sure if this is the right word) of the whole work…
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