

.:. HUGE thank you to Alex Kurth (akurth) for the idea. His original box, which I totally ripped off of is one click away, at this link:

The different between the boxes is, that yours is better ;p

Thanks man. The thing is that Kurth noch ist ein f*cking genie when it comes to images and design.

[SIZE=1]did i say that right?[/SIZE]

It looks like it’s missing something in the middle so it looks unfinished, but still cool. =)

If I ever get a vector design for myself maybe ill throw it in there, kinda like the macromedia mx style boxes…

*Originally posted by morse *
**If I ever get a vector design for myself maybe ill throw it in there, kinda like the macromedia mx style boxes… **

Wow!! A new version of Macromedia Morse MX has came out!?!?!? :o

ROFLMAO yea man you know it :slight_smile:

I should slap that in my footer!

That was right, just the ist should be behind genie…

Is it a addon for MX or what is it? Is it this crazy prog to make 3D boxes with? I have heard of it… should be awesome :crazy:

Lol noman i made that with 3ds max r4 :slight_smile:

oh, and the gradient in photoshop made into a material on a plane behind the box (whew deep breath)

Where is the plane? I haven’t understood your sentence ;p

Ok lets see…

The plane, as in a flat two dimensional panel (like a wall) is actually behind the box. The circular gradient you see behind the box is a material on the plane.

If you want I can render from a different perspective and show you the entire plane…

Here look at my sexy imitation OS X desktop with 3ds max. See the box in the view port? And then the grid extends back and stops, because it hits the plane. Its like getting your picture taken at a professional place. They hang a screen behind you that looks good. When they take the picture all you see is yourself infront of the screen.

Wow, crazy…
I didn’t get it ;D
Maybe it’s to late. Gute Nacht ;p

Lol yea night man. I’m tired. Work tomorrow too… Sleep time :slight_smile: