I like this. Its simple. Cool for just messing around. I would personaly change that qoute, Just take out the “w/ a stick” part. Other than that, very nice. (I like that logo) allthough…I don’t remember seeing what it stood for…maybe I need to look at it again. :pope:
It stands for “posermedia”. It is jsut the “macromedia” logo with a little bump to make a “p” and a “m”. I thought of whole idea last night in bed and sketched it out. Then i made it this morning.
The whole thing was done in PS so I won’t be using Swift anytime soon (I don’t even own swift yet actualy). I really don’t know how i can shade it any more but i’ll tweek around with it a bit se ewhat happens.
you might wand to reshape the logo on the side of the box, it does not have the same perspective…
ad some sort of fading background and or 'depth of field) if you really want realism (blur the far end of the box)
I would rather it picked apart here that way i cna improve it before it goes in the portfolio. If you post somethig for review you should expect it i guess. Thanks for the comments though Midpi. You are probably reight a regular client will not notice such things.
Ok i added a more gradent color for the front and sides and changed up the drop shadow to give it more distance. I also made the light source gradent a little darker to give it more depth.
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