I’ve read many threads on this subject, but haven’t really found a difinitive answer to the problem. I’m trying to externally load a long text file with numerous lines of text. Dreamweaver, annoyingly, adds <p> tags whenever you edit this text, and therefore flash interprets <p> tags or spaces as a double space. The condensewhite function appears to be what people say to use, but I’m not seeing how. Could someone maybe look at my code and enlighten me?? How do I actually get actionscript to ignore the <p>'s and extra spaces? Any way I code condensewhite, it doesn’t do a thing.
var styles = new TextField.StyleSheet();
events.html = true;
events.styleSheet = styles;
var lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
lv.onData = function(content) {
events.text = content;