HOLY CRAP! THIS CSS STUFF IS CAKE! I’m excited! I never really knew the power of this. This will make my life sooo much easier, because I have a few upcoming jobs that require a lot of tables and such…ohhhh I’m excited. I never knew CSS was so easy…ahhahahahahahahahahahaha
sorry…lost it, but now I’m good. Just ■■■■ excited!
RYAN: Thanks a lot for that link! I knew about that webpage a long time ago, but forgot it existed. Thanks!!
i wish i would have found it befor this morning. it seems as though every time i finish a website, i learn something new, that makes everything so much easier. i guess its not that much easier when you have to update it all the time. hahaha. ah well. im glad it helped ya out.
*Originally posted by Ryan *
**it seems as though every time i finish a website, i learn something new, that makes everything so much easier. **
Thats what this whole business is about. Learning and pushing the limits. The more we do, the more we learn. Even if you do something the hard way, and the next day you find the easy way, then you know how to do it the hard way and you are that much smarter and more qualified than someone that only knows the easy way.
Yeah Jubba… CSS is a piece of cake. That is why I needed no tutorial sites… Self taught out of the Javascript Reference Guide in Dreamweaver MX.
CSS will be your best friend in web design… set up a seperate .css file with all your styles and colors in there, then link to it in your html file so your css code isn’t showing in your html source… that is another thing that is great about it.
Have fun with it Just be sure to check your site that uses css in both Netscape and IE as each has it’s own way of interpreting things so some things might not display the same in one as in the other
Shouldn’t happen too much, sometimes happens with dynamically positioning your elements and such.