Site Design

These are some images that are going to be the “header” type thing for my website. Tell me what you think of the first few:

like 2nd most, but other two are quite neat :wink:
but 2nd style is really nice

I like them all! Strange size for a header?

  • Soul :s:

I think the right one is much better, and both are a bit too wierd for me. Is it for one of those heavy metal sites? I’m scared of wierd things… wierd people, wierd appliances, wierd inanimate objects…

knocks back half-a-dozen tylenol

Soul: they are going to be on the right side of the content, it’s hard to explain, but it will look cool.

Aislin: Don’t be scared… its not heavy metal

wow those look smoooth! very nice~! it should look nice i can see it in my head. but the middle one doesnt quite fit. but i really like that one too!

dippy, I know the second one doesnt fit, but im not worried about it, because what im going to do is make like 5 or 10 for each section and randomly cycle them. Well at least that’s my hope. Thanks for the comments

well then they look great!

Heres a couple more… I don’t really like that first start one… but oh well

Pretty interesting idea. I THINK I get how you are setting it up, but not quite sure. I like the one with the information “i” the best.

Yay lost came through and posted. This is how I am setting it up…

there is a top section with all the links, a section below that with content, and a thin strip to the right of that that displays the page title(the images on this thread)… I dunno if that helped at all.

Yeah it helped :beam:

Oh yeah, and it’s all iFrames, which I have never used before, so I hope it goes well. Glad it helped lost.

Be careful with iframes. They can be a pain (my site is all iframes, I should know) and they are only supported by NS6+ in the Netscape world. IE3+ supports iframes.

What do you mean be careful with them? Mine are SUPER basic… I don’t have any of the spiffy transitions like you do.

they are a pain in the arse, i used to use them and ifinally gave up with them all together. but thats me, i hope it works out better for you.

:*( You guys are gonna make me cry… I finally had an original cool idea and I am really happy with it and now its not gonna work. I’m gonna make it work… even if it means takin the whole world over to my house to look at my page through my computer so it looks exactly the same!

lol, try it out, im sure that it will work out fine.

I never said it wouldn’t work. I was just stating that any NS version below version 6 will not work.

And sometimes aligment of iframes can be a pain, but theres always workarounds :wink:

Well I have til April 28th get it up, and I’m addin tons of stuff every day… so i bet in a month I’ll have a pretty good thing goin on. But expect a lot of help threads in server side cuz I’ll probably get confused. Well this thread is goin way way off topic, so hopefully we can get some more posts about the images.
Thanks for replyin guys.