Brackets(lost directed in your direction..)

hey guys (mainly lost cause this is directed in his direction)! i am not sure if this is a script or what but i will ask it anyways…

ok like on lostinbeta there are those brackets around the news, how can i make them, or something like them?

Use the square marquee tool.

Hold down your SHIFT key.

Drag a square selection.

Goto Edit/Stroke

I did 1px Center

Take the block eraser tool and erase the excess so you are just left with brackets :slight_smile:

LOL… just kidding :beam:

Anywho… I use that as a background image for a table cell.

Then I used an Iframe inside of it :slight_smile:

(assuming you were really talking about how I used them to border off my section and still have it scrolling since this is in the ServerSide/Scripting forum)

I’d love to know anything I can about lost’s site. The iframe stuff is completely new to me. I’ve got no clue how to do that without Flash.

IE only though… well that guerenties that my mother and stepfather wont ever visit your site. :stuck_out_tongue: ah well… they’re loss.

in all seriousness… I love the site LIB. It’s a 4 star portfolio site.

Wow, thanks david :slight_smile:

I always hated Iframes because I thought they were tacky, but then I started using them, and found out they can be so much more if you use them appropriately. You can fit updates or news in smaller scrollable sections without taking up a whole page just for that… compact :slight_smile:

The scrolling is Javascript/DHTML, I was going to write a tutorial for it, but I got the basic script for it that I highly modified from someone else, and I don’t have permission to re-release the code… so that is secret :evil:

The new Version will hopefully be coming in January sometime :-\ Netscape compatible since AOL 8.0 is switching over. New Layout and everything… no scrolling :frowning: and and Iframe or 2 is planned for news and top x number of fave files or whatever I decide to do on the main page :evil:

The thing that is giving me the most problems is the Javascript menu, I know a script I can use if I don’t finish mine in time, but I am working hard on mine :slight_smile:

Oh yeah… my current site is a pain to keep track of, lol, there are 14 pages that comprise the whole thing in one piece…lol.[SIZE=1]■■■■ experiments …lol[/SIZE]

I really like the two sliders and how they often are operating in opposing directions. I have a menu bar in Flash that I’m attempting to devise that will use similar principals… smaller scale and a lot more sliders but it might have a similar feel.

I know what secret methods are like. I have to admit that’s pretty unique among html sites that I’ve seen.

I have tried and tried to get it to work in Netscape, but it was a no go. The method used just doesn’t seem to work right.

It scrolls and everything, but it doesn’t seems to be reading the correct increments and not landing on the right spots so this results is completely offset content and sometimes and invisible menu :frowning:

Otherwise I would keep this version for longer!

I am also still learning DHTML, so who knows… maybe I will pop something new up in the future that is not so common :evil:

lost, what are iframes? can you give me a recouse to find out more about htem?

Iframes are like mini frames (but so much better). They are just little windows in an HTML page with which you can load a seperate .html into.

If you want to read up on them… go here :slight_smile:

i am like half way through and loving it! thanks lost!

No problem :slight_smile:

I love webmonkey :slight_smile:

eh, I didn’t really like webmonkey. My all-time favorite HTML reference has to be

Thanks for that link jubba. I have a favorites section full of learning sites. Most of them are horrible, but I couldn’t find too many good ones.

Funny how this site teaches web design stuff, but the design itself horrible…lol. Either way, I will skim this later :slight_smile:

Well the purpose of the site isn’t really design oriented, its more just teaching all of the HTML tags. I think its very good when it comes to that anyway… but yeah…the design is horrible…

True to that, but I find a lot of things funny, so don’t mind me. I am in a good mood today :slight_smile:

Which is weird because it snowed really bad here (7 inches) and I hate snow… it is EVIL!!!

After scoping out the site… I realized I already know everything that site has…, but it is a very good site, for people who don’t know that stuff :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**After scoping out the site… I realized I already know everything that site has…, but it is a very good site, for people who don’t know that stuff :slight_smile: **

Weeeeell look who knows so much! lol, yeah its all basic HTML, but when I was first starting out I used it to teach myself, and I still use it for reference when I need help with my code. :slight_smile: Its very helpful. HTML is a dying language… :frowning:

It snowed 6 inches here today, but I only had one class and it was right near my building so all my friends were walking to and from class in the snow and cold while I was sitting at my computer trying to get my guestbook code to work… :):slight_smile:

I am not gloating… I am just stating that I already knew the stuff on that site so it won’t help me much, but the content on there is helpful. Believe me, I am not that good at web coding either…lol.

Yes, HTML is a dying language… which is why I am picking up on my DHTML, CSS, Javascript, and soon PHP and XML.

I have Javascript and CSS down pretty good. DHTML is a pain, and PHP and XML I haven’t spent too much time on.

HAHA for them… good luck with your guestbook :slight_smile:

The guestbook is almost done, just two more buttons to code. I posted the link to it in the random section. Thanks. If you could, could you supply a few links to some sites that you think are good and worthy of my time. I’m looking for javascript and css tutorials, or reference sites… I’m starting to get the hang of PHP. I just need to figure out how to use mySQL databases…

Umm, as I said a lot of my favorite links for web design languages aren’t that good, but here are a few nice ones.

There are a few good Javascript help sites. The third link there is for window manipulation mostly, but comes in handy when you need to know things like that, especially the differences of Netscape and IE in those situations. CSS kind of came natural to me, I learned it in like a week tops and it isn’t that hard, so I don’t have any sites for that, it was all self taught.

And as for mySQL databases… no friggin clue…lol. I don’t know how to use them, or where to start…LOL.

this is a pretty nice site. it has tutorials and codes for a lot of languages. i havnt gone to far into the site yet, i was tryin to learn some css and it helped out. heres the sitre

hope the site is somewhat benifitial.

