Brand new - motion tweening

sorry about my noobishness.

so i’m making a stick figure animation, and i’m having trouble with making the motions.

from the only tutorial i’ve been able to find, it says to make each part of his body an individual layer, and then just rotate each part, moving the center to one end so it rotates around that end.

however now the parts don’t stay together, so his forearm will rotate and go into position for the next keyframe, but it won’t stay attached to the rest of his arm during motion.

am i doing this wrong? is there something i’m missing? any help is appreciated

Make all of the parts into one movie clip, move the movie clip in the direction the character is going, just animate the limbs to do what you want to do (walk, punch, jump, kick). I am not sure if that is what you are talking about.

how do you edit them to do separate things if they’re all in one movie clip??

Each limb should be an individual movie clip within the main (root) movie clip.

ar sorry, i don’t think i understand…a movie clip is a layer?

if that’s the case, the problem i’m having is that they won’t stay together when i animate them, so it looks like the arm is coming apart during motion

Looks at this, it may help out better:

yeayea i got that part, but the problem was this

Within the arm movie clip, seperate the arm and forarm into two different clips, but make sure that the limb end is in the center so that when it rotates it won’t skew out of line.

ok, thanks a bunch