I created a shout box/guestbook in Flash, and I thought I would show those of you that I converse with on a regular basis (ie the people in the random forum). It uses a simple text file to store the information and then uses PHP to send, call, and organize the data. The “Next” and “Prev” buttons don’t work yet, but you can view your entry after you put it in. I have a bunch of adjustments to make so this is pretty much a beta version. Click the link below to take a look and let me know what you think. Let me know if you find any glitches. I would appreciate any feed-back.
Rev: is that your real e-mail address? Or your responce to my demand?!
oh yeah, does anyone know how to make PHP close the window when its done with reading and writing the variables? The only problem with the guestbook is that when you post something, a new blank window pops up. I would like to make that close on its own when its done writing the variables to the text file… h88? anyone? any ideas…
Thanks to everyone that posted. Today when I get back to my dorm I have to try to get those Next and Previous buttons to work so you can cycle thru the entries… I also put the link up in my away message for AIM because I need a lot of entries so I can test the buttons properly. The more people that post, the better.
Followed any tutorials made by Jeffrey Hill?
I have one guestbook too but it’s not uploaded yet! I’m gonna put it on my homepage.
I have also the mail form in flash! doh… gotta finsih my homepage!
Yeah I think that is who wrote the tutorial that I started working from. I had to highly modify it for my shoutbox to work. I’m using two different PHP files, both with different code, and my flash script is pretty complex. It was a great tutorial…
speaking of tutorials, I am in the middle of writing a few of them…
Ok. Its finished. The “Next” and “Prev” buttons work now, and I think I tweaked out all of the bugs. Let me know if any of you see anything strange happening to the file when you test it. Eventually I’m going to use this to go on a site, so I need it to be in perfect working condition…
Well with IE6 SP1 that trick I sent you Rev… you know… the one where you don’t get that error… it doesn’t work anymore!!! GRRR!!! There is no way around it.
Well, lets see, what code pops up the new window Jubba? Can you post that segment?
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Well with IE6 SP1 that trick I sent you Rev… you know… the one where you don’t get that error… it doesn’t work anymore!!! GRRR!!! There is no way around it.
Yes, I did see that… [SIZE=1]:: I didn’t want to be the one to tell you ::[/SIZE]
Microsoft knows about it… they call it a “feature”