Security feature from closing the window?!
I am sorry, but that is such… crap!
Security feature from closing the window?!
I am sorry, but that is such… crap!
good old MegloSlop…
taking over the world, and making a mess of it…
It says:
“The website you are viewing is attemping to close the window. DO yoiu want to close the window?”
yes or no
just a basic alert window…just annoying tho…
As per Dipi’s request, It now tells you what page you are on, and how many pages there are. Thats a very good idea, I didn’t even think about it. Thanks Dipi!
I also changed it so that it does not send you to the loading screen when you are changing pages. Since this is only loading text, the load-time is minimal, so I just have it load all of the varialbes the first time you enter, and then it displays only four at a time.
Anyone with an idea around that alert window?
Not as of IE 6.0 SP1
It is unpossible now.
:::me fail english… thats unpossible:::
I am sure someone will discover a way around it soon enough. New things are coming out every day.
jubba…i think the first page should be #1 not 8, i am not talking about order, i am talking about numbered…
They are numbered like that. The first page says:
‘page 1 out of 8’
‘page 2 out of 8’
Now its doing something weird in Netscape. For some reason the movie isn’t reading a variable that is defined INSIDE the SWF!!
are you using SEND or GET?
just curious…
have you tested on Mac?
send or get for what? For that variable? its defined inside the SWF. In the main timeline it says
nPage = 1
and it doesn’t read that variable in Netscape…
Well, then my experience is going to do you no good whatsoever…
sorry 'bout that…
I’ve had problems with Netscape and forms sending the info from inside a swf…
Thank you though. I appreciate the offer for help
Hmm, I noticed that it doesn’t load the text when you first load the page, but if you hit “Next” it loads everything and you can view everything perfectly starting from “Page 1 of 9”
Why? clue, but if you didn’t notice that, then it could be a push in the right direction.
Yes I know. Thats the problem. The reason it is doing that is because it is not reading that variable that is in the main timeline of the SWF file. But in IE it works fine…
could you probably send me the 2 php-files?
pleaaaaaaaaase :sigh:
I already posted the files in another thread. Enjoy…
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