Bringing layers forward with actionscript

hi, i was wondering if there is any way of making a layer or a symbol thats behind another one come to be over the top of the other one.

you can use swapdepths() to er…swap depths between mc’s.

thanx mate, still a problem tho,
i have a stack of movie clips on 1 layer which has a mask, i have buttons assigned to show a different movie clip as each button is pressed, its just that when i press a button the movie clip assigned to it apears right on top of everything no longer behind the mask, but all i want is to put it still in the mask but on top of the other movie clips in that mask =o)

its had me goin for weeks now, lol

thanx for your help


I would say, put all of the movie clips that are “inside the mask” into a movie clip itselft. Then, apply the swapdepths to that movie clip.

I hope that makes sense to you.

Just in case

         Movie Clip //apply swapdephts code here, and swapdepths between movies inside here only!

i was wondering, is it possible for a button to check what frame a movieclip it stopped on, and if the movieclip is on the frame that the button is asking for, to perform a function like ‘goto and play’

thanx for reply’s

Yep. movieclips have a _currentframe property. Read-only, by the way.

pom :asian: