if she moved, would compromise with her?
I mean, if she had to move, lets say california, and I had to stay in boston, we’d find a way to work things out…
*Originally posted by lavaboy *
**In response to all your comments.
I feel like my plans for my life are more important than anything else. I have no problem being alone if no girls likes this fact. But to me a dream girl would be the one who would go out of her way to compromise and find a connection with both our lives. For example… say I meet a girl in college. She has to understand that my classes come first… I’ll make time for her, but i’m not going to use time I need for something else for her. And if after college, my life takes me to one part of the world, and her’s to another place… i’d want her to work with me to find a compromise…
My goals come first. Chicks come later… my dream in life is not to have a family, but to see how far I go professionally.
but that’s just me, and I understand that there are a lot of people who feel otherwise. **
So it’s not really a “compromise” but more of a “your way or the highway?”
pretty much ren… I mean, I shouldn’t expect anyone to live up to my demands, and I wouldnt want to have to live up to the expectations of others. if I want a gf, I’d want for her career to come before me, and if her career takes her somewhere where things are not going to work out for us, I wouldn’t blame her.
So is it also weak for us coming here consoling fez? I mean we are considering his feelings here…
Lava - if that’s how you feel, than that’s how you feel. It sounds to me like your last brake up really hurt your feelings and you dont want to be hurt like that again, no matter the cost. I know I dont know you and that’s just what it sounds like. I would never judge you and you are right - if that’s what you want than that’s what you want. Plain and Simple.
But when you say
But to me a dream girl would be the one who would go out of her way to compromise and find a connection with both our lives.
that doesnt exacly sound fair. Why should she have to go out of her way to find a comprimise for the both of you. Like I said before, it works both ways man. Again, this is how I feel and you have your own feelings… I am just telling you what I think.
As for you Rev, this eskimo isnt exacly pleased with you… Just remember one thing - spears hurt like a son of a…
Don’t worry Tuknuk, when Nanuq gets down here we will go out and stock you guys with Vodka for the next year… Maybe he can trade some of those pelts you guys been collecting…
Give Tina a squeeze for me…
Thank you all for your kind words.
I am glad that most of you see this from my perspective. You are all a great bunch of people and I am glad that I found this place.
Now I have roughly 1 hr and 17 minutes untill I leave work and go hit the bars with some friends.
we´re glad that you found us too! =)
drink one for me, willya?
Hey and I will drink one (or two, or… eight) for you here too!
for me ren??
:love: aww… you´re the best g/f ever!!!
*Originally posted by RenaissanceGirl *
**So is it also weak for us coming here consoling fez? I mean we are considering his feelings here… **
If you want to put words in my mouth go ahead, but that’s not what I mean.