Brown out!

Ah, i hate when this happenes!! i was working in flash, and i finally made something cool, and the power shut off. I lost it now, its not even stormy weather here either. its 4:00 and early summer and we are already loosing power.

its sorta a common thing around these parts, everyone has central air conditioning, so that makes it more likely for a brown out.

i hate it!!!:-\ :pirate: :hat:

you don’t live in California do you?

nope, good ole MA. :slight_smile:

why don’t you call it black out? I never heard the term brown out before.

these college dorms could surely use some d**amn air conditioning now that it’s getting hot.

my brother has a fan, it has 3 speeds, slow, tropicle storm, and tornado. thats what he calles it.

i bet that the top of the dorm is the hottest. they must be dying . :stuck_out_tongue:

a black out is when all the power shuts down. a brown out is when certain parts of a grid shute down, due to a shortage of surplus electricty. Not exactly a black out, so hence the term brown out… C’mon, you’ve never played Sim City??

who cares, it got my point across.


*Originally posted by Majeye *
** C’mon, you’ve never played Sim City?? **

Yet another great fact of life learned from playing one of the best games ever created :slight_smile:

no… I need to go play that right now. hehe.

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**Yet another great fact of life learned from playing one of the best games ever created :slight_smile: **

yap really good game :slight_smile: I’ve played all the Sim City versions. Which one do you like more? hem I think that SC2000 was maybe the best, it had no cool effects and so but I spent months playing it :slight_smile:

I like the newest one the best number 4. The graphics and the things you can do are amazing. Fantastic Game.

You have to have a pretty good comp and video card though.

We had a brown out in Sarnia too, first really hot day.

Because of it, the plants released some fumes or whatever, and the wind brought them downriver. There was a ‘stay inside or have the chance to puke your lungs out’ blanket warning over the city.

wow, that’s kind of serious. that’s why you have to place all your Dirty Industry away from the Residential areas. :beam:


hm… yeah I like SC4 too. My computer’s stats are really poor (Duron700, 128MB, 32MB video), but I was playing it normally, with the lowest options of course but anyway it wasn’t lagging and I enjoyed playing it :slight_smile:

The plants and everything else made this city very very rich. The living conditions here are fabulous, with the exception of the occasional accident such as that one.

I live very close to Sarnia and have a good friend who lives in Ptown. I heard all about that “black cloud of death” on the radio - pretty **** scary if you ask me. I was in Sarnia last summer and noticed that by the plants it really really stunk. I wonder if you get used to that smell.

As for the living conditions - if you dont live near the plants and such the place is amazing. Very nice area.

Here’s a tip…Save as you go.