Bug in MX?

well, i it’s like this:

i created a dynamic text;
i put it in a new graphic (not movie clip);
i put the new graphic inside a new movie clip;
in the last movie i aplied some tweenings on the graphic (with color: advanced effects);

the effects work if i play the movie with flash (not flash player - i use <enter> and the frames ‘go by’), but when i play with flash player, the colour of the text is unchanged…

is it really a bug, or is it just happening to me :q:

It isn’t a bug.

You can’t do effects like that on dynamic text unless you embed the font outline.

Click on your text box, open up the properties panel (CTRL+F3) then click on the button that says “Character…”, then Embed Font Outline for All Characters.

learned a new thing from you, thanx.

but my point was why in flash it workx without ‘embbed font outlines’ feature, and in flash player not… i mean, if in the player it doesn’t work, why the flash looks like everything will be ‘as expected’ ? it makes no sense…

do u understang what i am trying to say?

btw lostinbeta, i like your site :))

it’s original, or have you downloaded some scripts from over the internet? :slight_smile:

Yeah I understand, my only theory with this is the way Flash itself translates it, and the way the Flash player translates it.

Ya see, inside Flash, it just goes by what it should look like frame by frame.

You will notice if you use a mask, Flash locks both layers and shows the mask, but if you unlock the layers then flash shows both objects instead of the mask. That is… until you preview it with the Flash player. Then everything is displayed fine.

Same thing if you just hide a layer. You can hide it in Flash, and it will not show when you play it in Flash, but when you play it in the Flash player, it will show.

And if you have a movie clip with an animation inside that is on the main timeline, but play the main timeline in Flash, the movie cli doesn’t play, but if you use the player, or preview in Flash, it shows.

Playing it by the timeline just shows what is on the frames, but viewing it in the player inteprets what is actually going on.

PS: Thanks for the compliment on my site. I got the basic script from this guy, this script was not downloaded from a site. I took the basic script and modified it heavily to fit my needs.<B>[/EDIT]