[MX] dynamic text transparency

ok i searched to forums and found the following thread:


in which Iammontoya says:
"to make Dynamic text fade, it must be part on an mc and you MUST embed the font outlines. then, it will work all day, and twice on Sunday. "

:slight_smile: and it does seem to work for the poster

i tried this by just setting the movieclip (with the dynamic text in it) to an alpha value of 30% but when i output the movie, nothing shows up…

ONLY when i slect “No Characters” in the character options of the dynamic text dialog (which is the default setting anyway) then text shows up but always 100% opague, when i select any of the other options to include characters, strangely nothing shows up…

any thoughts?

tia, meisje

hm…can you provide us with an FLA?

hi thor,

i was stripping the file for upload and noticed… the font i had selected for the dynamic text was FUTURA, to make sure the issue would occur to you too i selected another more common font, the ARIAL, guess what… it now works with ARIAL where it won’t with FUTURA

thanks for responding anyway :slight_smile:

or if you know why it won’t work with some fonts then please let me know

thanks, meisje

seems if i want to use postscript fonts for dynamic text nothing happens in the exported movie, only when i use truetype fonts things work out… (today)