Bumper Car Collision

I want to know how to make a Collision witch maks you go back a little.

See say when a car hits another one i want to know how to make it go back away from it any one got ideas.

ya hit it and dont press da brakes lol, why would you ever wanna do that?? and i thought i was crazy

you want to know how to do this in Flash? or real life?

Or in the matrix?

yeah, I’m assuming that you mean in Flash, because if you mean in real life then this is a really really really really raelyl reallyre ayrleyarlyelyrlayre stupid question, so I’m going to move this to a FLash help forum, which is where you are supposed to post your Flash related questions…

lol “really really really really raelyl reallyre ayrleyarlyelyrlayre”

ok sorry, back to your regularly scheduled thread topic