I need help with collisions between cars in my car racing game! HELP ME PLEASE!

Hi! I am making a car racing game in Flash MX. Unfortunately I don’t know (and I’ve already searched a lot!) how to do a realistic car collision. Can you help me please? It’s urgent!!! Send an e-mail to joaomgb@sapo.pt if you have a sollution or know a website with the sollution please.

PS.: I am Portuguese. You help me too, don’t you? (if you see any mistakes in this page you must understand…) DON’T IGNORE ME PLEASE!

what do you mean by realistic ?
i think you should use the hitTest function between 2 movie clips and set a specific action when they do collide…

Could you be a bit more sepcific about your project?

OK. Go to “http://outsideofsociety.idz.net/”, “examples” section and view the “MTV Car game” (in the “other stuff” sub-section). Pay attention to the collisions between the two cars and you will know what I want. If you know how to do a collision like that SAY ME PLEASE.
Thank you.

hoho i must say this is much beyond my level of action scripting, although there are some keypoints:

  • the arrows are listened to and they either increment or keep a variable which will accelerate the car…
  • the trajectory is most probably calculated using the rotation of the car, the acceleration vector and the sin and cos of these values…
  • the bumping system is then calculated with a hitTest value (on the bumper for example) -and i think what happens is that the previous position of the car (ie before the bump) is used to create the bump effect… I dont really know how to handle bumping in Flash, but there must be a tutorial on that on either kirupa or the web…

Good luck !