Bush v. Kerry v. Nader

Surprised I didnt see this topic here (or maybe its buried). Either way anyone care to talk about this one?

I’ll start by presenting the candidates positions/views on major topics in the US. Go to this URL http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,108197,00.html and click “Eye on the Issue” in the right hand column. This will give you a rundown of each candidate and thier views/beliefs and stances on a given topic.

Very interesting but I’ll point out one major one…


Bush - Signed law that created a Department of Homeland Security. Vows to protect our ports, expand border security and support first responders.

Kerry - Would devote more resources to first responders and create a Community Defense Service to provide volunteer manpower in the event of an attack. He would also expand technological innovations to the war on terror.

Nader - Supports more homeland security funds for cities and states.

Now IMO, Kerry doesnt seem to think that homeland security is that big of an issue. Volunteer manpower means that it certainly wouldnt be that strong of a defense. Im VERY against weakening our defense and cutting funding for our military…

Lets hear what the rest of you have to say :slight_smile:

you can vote more than once for american idol. And people under 18 can vote :slight_smile: