Business Cards

cool story rev. sounds like the beginnings of a great biography…

“Oh that Rev was such a character back in those days…”

Little do they know… :evil: :beam:

I use Illustrator for my cards… which I make at home, like Rev and Unflux. I don’t buy those perforated business card papers. I just get a really good stock paper and use a paper trimmer. I like doing it this way because it’s flexible (if I change my mind about the design next week, no problem) and I don’t have to print a minimum amount (I just don’t need 1000 business cards).

good point RenG, cuz I don’t either! I print a sheet or 2 here and
there as I need them, and that’s 10 per sheet. No sense in
spending $40++ on custom printed cards and having 900 of them
just sitting there getting wasted.

Changing the design? or logo? or name? or address? or
phone#? Can’t do it if you get them done @ 1000 count. Looks
really bad saying, “Oh sorry. Here, let me write my new # on
there for you.” You want to be professional, you have to portray
yourself that way. And a lot of times, preperation is key. :wink:

that is usually the difference between getting the gig, and almost getting the gig. There are a lot of “good designers” out there. And most of them are hungry.

Hey, maybe I should combine my last 2 businesses and cater to the designers (I know you guys eat like crap)…



says who? :wink:

in general…

in my opinion…

just curious, how many “fast food” meals have you had in the last month?


3…4 tops. why?

i got ours double printed…

we have see through bright orange “cromatico” envelopes and when you put in letterheaded paper, it has the eyes from the logo looking at you from the reverse of the paper when you turn it over to open the envelope…

they r expensive envelopes so they only go out once to clients, after that its normal white ones…

the business cards are folded; and same again when you open up the cards the eyes look at you from the inside when you open it…

only down side is that girls tend to think they r “cute”…

i wanted them to b “cool” ha ha…

that is just the tip of the iceburg, and you are an exception.

Most would say 10-20.

That stuff is sooooo bad for you in sooooo many ways…

but I won’t preach…


i have a family and I love to cook. So that’s why…we love to eat!

AnOraK - I’d love to see this! any way you can show us? sounds
very clever.

Rev - I go about once a week tops.

give me 5 mins and i’ll scan some stuff


What do you do for lunch usually?

If you bring your own, congrats, that is tough to motivate.

If you go out, what do you normally order?

just comparing to the design houses I’ve worked in SF…


sweet! i can’t wait to see it.

RenG, same as me. Usually when my parents visit, we go out.
That’s usually on Saturdays.

I’m a BIG FAN of turkey & cheese for lunch.

I’m fortunate, I work at home…

So I can cook whatever I want, whenever I am hungry… or more like whenever my g/f gets hungry (she gets demanding when she gets hungry). Usually I have friends over at least twice a week, and cook for them (one of my few social outlets right now).

I can’t stand sandwiches (my father would eat one for every meal if he could)… except for PB&J…


On few occasions, I will bring leftovers from dinner the night before. If not… all I have is coffee. So I guess my diet isn’t very good either :smiley: I probably drink about 8-10 cups of coffee a day.

ouch… a wound up filipino designer… could be kinda fun to sit back and watch tho…


most of the designers I know eat terribly, can’t hold onto a relationship, and spend way too much time at work.


Rev: will you be my friend?

I love eating out though, but never at fast food places. I’m a sucker for fine dining.

How could you NOT love sandwiches?? I love tomato, fresh spinach, and mozzarella on sourdough with a dash of pepper. I fry the sucker and make it into a grilled cheese.

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I’m fortunate, I work at home… **

me 2 - UNFLUX is my home. And soon will be my very own office
space right here as well.

If I worked somewhere else, I would undoubtedly eat more fast
food. I know that for sure…I’m not dedicated enough to make
my own lunch to bring all the time.

Although, I’m dedicated enough to make my wifey a lunch every
time she goes to work, so who knows. But that’s only twice a