Business Cards

*Originally posted by reverendflash *

most of the designers I know eat terribly, can’t hold onto a relationship, and spend way too much time at work…

I’m none of that except for the eating terribly part

that sounds sooooo good RenG. I think I may go make one now!

runs to the kitchen

darn it! no spinich or tomato. Well, I’m writing this recipe down
and getting all the ingredients next time I go to the store. I’m
drooling now, thx. :slight_smile:

I used to go to a different new restaurant each month… I miss those days…

All I need to do is hook 1 big fish… looks around the apt. for suitable bait

got burned out on sandwiches. I’m also not fond of pasta in general, however I love garlic and marinara sauce, so I put up with pasta for those types of things once in a while (not nearly enough for my g/f)…

funny, abzoid has none of these “dislikes” and we grew up together at the same time…


sorry bout the quality of the scans

this is the biz card which folds down the middle & the envelopes

they are a lot brighter in real life and they have that touchy feely thing going on…

dont laugh

*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**that sounds sooooo good RenG. I think I may go make one now!

runs to the kitchen

darn it! no spinich or tomato. Well, I’m writing this recipe down
and getting all the ingredients next time I go to the store. I’m
drooling now, thx. :slight_smile: **

Go forth my friend. It’s also really good with fresh basil instead of spinach.

I eat about once a week…

Campbell’s Chunky Soup or my own creations come to play at the other times…

:slight_smile: As for business cards… I haven’t made any yet… Haven’t gotten around to it… :slight_smile:


AnOraK, I think that looks great! Cool idea, indeed. =)

why dont you just give the illustrator or psd file to the printer? i don’t see the need for using a site to do it?

i designed one for a band like that, just inputted my dimensions and the printer took care of the rest of it…

“printer” = printshop

well, the moral of this story is:

There’s always 10000000 ways to do the same thing, when it
comes to a computer. :wink:

*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**AnOraK, no i wasn’t talking to you. I think what you said is a cool
idea actually. :slight_smile:

Raf insinuated that my cards look bad and unprofessional, so I
needed to clear that up for myself.

My cards rule, and cost me way less than paying someone for
them. All clean edges, and great looking graphics. And the
personal satisfaction that I did them myself.

Rev - $4k?!?! :!: **

chill man… I’m saying that printing them MYSELF will look unprofessional. I don’t have a particularly good printer, nor I’m planning to pay 50 bucks for a new color cartridge that’s not going to make it to 250 double sided cards. As for changing the design, I’m making it as final once I get them printed. My contact info is not going to change, and I’m not planning on getting an office soon… and I don’t want to have to worry about making business cards every once in a while cause I’m running out.

Rev: you should post some of your recipes man… or at least tell me what to do with my chicken breasts… I’m getting tired of just sticking them on the george foreman grill.