hey guys… I need some help. I’m making the business cards for me and the guys who are going to be working for me, and I can’t think of titles. They say that I should put “President” on mine, but I don’t feel comfortable with that. There’s three of us, and I need to come up with titles for all of us. I and one guy will be doing design, and another one will be doing finance stuff… Do you have any ideas for titles?
senior art director
multimedia designer
lead accountant…
that’s what I haven come up so far
Art Director
Multimedia Programmer
hey how bout A.K.A. Lavaboy or active kirupian rotflmao
Well, I think I finally got it:
Me - Lead Designer
dude #1: Web Developer
dude #2: Business Manager
what do you guys think?
huh I can’t certainly think of anything better!
And president is kinda wierd for a website designer me thinks…
Senior art director makes you sound more professional and as if your company is pretty large - but your ideas are great too. Good choices.
Syko - very nice idea with footer, you should make it a transparent gif so there is no white.
ya go with it buddy sounds good :beam:
hey sureshot! I made it a png so it should have a transparent but instead of that it had a dark grey background so I changed it to white but with gif it was sooo ugly! The shadow was just some kinda fill with no anti-aliasing and all!
aaah - can see your point.
well if it’s on the light greay message box you hardly notice, but if it’s on the darker grey it stands out a bit more. Either way - it looks very nice
at this point, do you really need titles?
they don’t mean anything, and could pidgeon hole you with a potential client.
Most people will see right thru any title you put down, knowing you only have 3 people in the org. It’s not hard to figure that kind of stuff out. Unless you want to convey the image that you are much larger. If that is the case, it will require someone to answer your phone, letterhead, envelopes, and an office.
I want to have titles even though we’re small. We’re doing everything right from the start… getting the business licence, doing tax papers, starting at CMM level 2, etc… I want the titles to provide some kind of definition our roles are going to be. And yeah, since we’re small, I didn’t want to have President or Chief…
btw, I like your site.
thanks. My site was done in a couple hours, and still uses Generator (I am sooooo much faster with Gen2 than I am with MX), cause I needed a new look. It’s about time to change it again. I may even do it in MX if I have the time…
In one business where my actual title was Webmaster, we all used “fun” titles. One guy was “Slacker” one guy was “Resident Lush” (it was an online wine store/resort/restaurant site). My title was OnlineOphile.
you can always use “bean counter” and “head cook and bottle washer” , etc. to give it an air of levity.
just an idea…
mine just says, “Web Development.” Pretty much sums it up…
yeah, but you’re doing things on your own, right?
no, I have 4 people that do work for/with me at any given time.
Sales, graphics, php, perl, or whatever I need…
I personally like…
Utra-Geek Guru Designer Man.
*Originally posted by Raydred *
**Utra-Geek Guru Designer Man.
ROFL :beam: