Hi Everyone,
You may notice that below the my name on the left side, there is a custom title. For me it is kirupa.com!
If anyone wants to get a custom title (who wouldn’t), reply here with the ** title that you want to have** and I will give you the title that you choose. Make it unique and appropriate as always
In case anyone is wondering, Upuaut was the god named “opener of ways” in ancient Egyptian mythology. (It was also the name of a small robot used to explore the “air” shafts in the great pyramid of Giza.)
Hi Kirupa,
I am new to Kirupa.com and its ezboard, but I can guarantee you that I’ll be using it frequently in the future. What you are doing with Kirupa.com and its adjoining ezboard is truly a great thing for the Flash community. I commend you.
If it’s not too much trouble, I would like my Custom Title to read:
** 100% injenuity**
Thanks in advance. I will be using some of your Flash Tutorials to create a new sig soon. I think so much of you and your site already that I already added you into my signature … I pulled your Flash logo from the source code, I hope this is OK. If it isn’t just tell me, and I will remove it.
Thanks, and now who Opened this way for me?
Kirupa, I’d be happy to see “aka Mr Freeze” under the eyezberg, if you find the time to change that…thanks in advance.