Button Effect

o yea…well…this is wat this is suppose to do…me and ahmed are working on a new design for the site…while he is doing the basic layout/design…i’m trying to figure out some graphics and flash to go along with it, the buttons will be lik…popout menues…but before i create that part (no clue yet)…i’m gonna play with some effects…:stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Maxtr0sity *
**wow…i’m amused…ummm…so basically…the _alpha thingy can be changed to almost every command rit?..lik…_brightness? **

Actually no, there is no such properties called “_brightness”, take a look in the actionscript library in the right side of the actions panel for other available properties you could use.

If you’re working with ahmed then he should know these things as well. =)

yea…haven’t talked to him much lately…but he is lik…god…the kid is also a frikin genius…but…thanks a lot though…i’ll b playin with all that stuff soon…o yea…if i’m to make a popout menu thingy, would it be mainly on button style or movieclip action again?

Probably be better as a movieclip in my opinion.

would it be lik…a mouseover effect again?

I’ve never created a drop down menu before, but my friend Lostinbeta has one and he posted a sample file in this thread, check it out.


oooouuu…the miniusa site has good menus…now i know what i want…wow…i just need those horizontal outward…and that’ll b it!..wow…hmmmm…i’ll look more into that…thnx

alrit, the thing that i don’t understand about the dropdown is that y is the mask at the place where the dropdown suppose to happen?..isn’t the mask suppose to be above the button so when it goes up, it doesn’t show up?

Ok I guess you’re not aware of what a mask actually does. The area where the mask is reveals the layer it’s masking. Anthing outside of that area get’s masked, only what’s inside that area, gets revealed.

ooooooooooo…wow…that was nothing as i imagined…but it really just cleared things up for me…great…now i hav a better understanding…alrit…how would i do 2 masks?..lik…say i hav a horizontal menu, when a user does a mouseover, the menu scrolls out, keeping its dimensions, then the rest of the menu drops down…how should i use either mask or masked?

Are you saying like have another dropdown menu next to this one? If so then just create the whole thing over, set it up just like the sample you have and then place them next to each other.

well…its not exactly a dropdown…its more lik…a drop right…

Ah now that’s something I have no idea on how to do, I’ve never worked with drop down menus. Your best luck is just continue playing with it until Lost reads these post and maybe he’s able to help you…sorry. :-\

o alrit…hope he’ll read this thingy…but thanks a lot anyways…i think me and ahmed are set for the menu part then…ummmm…do u hav any suggestions on making some sort of logo for the site?

I have no idea what your site is going to be about so it’s up to you guys to think of something, but keep in mind that a good logo should be simple and scalable as well. By that I mean your logo should look good at any size, even if it’s rescaled down to a small image or is enlarged to a huge image, it should look good no matter what.

good point…heres what i’ve made so far…its pretty sad…but generally gives me of a better idea…any suggestions?

wow… i missed this whole thread… anyways… i have a little different approach for the menues, will arrange an fla soon =)

well…alrit…i thougt we decided on the menu idea ahmed…but i dunno about that yet…