Button roll-over effects like Macromedia site?

I am looking for button roll-over effect, exactly the same as the ones in marcomedia site which fade slowly after your mouse moves out. It is tricky to make? I’m only newbie on the world of Flash MX.

Also what is best learning methods for learning to use flash? Like college course, on your own, samples or learning book etc


There was a post on the action script forum about this as well. If you go through the MX tutorial you put 3 buttons in it that have a background colour fade in under the semi transparent buttons… If you need an example, its already on your computer, hehe… Unless ofcourse you deleted the tutorials :slight_smile:

Tutorial doesn’t cover the buttons from macromedia site, nor are samples files too.

I’m hoping anyone here have the samples so that I can work on them? Thanks

the best way of learning is doing tutorials (liike the ones in kirupa :)), for me it works atleast…

and i think theres a similar rollover effect in the tutorials section here, maybe you could try that

the effect is quite simple

its a simple mouse over and out effect, and to have the delayed reaction to the out, make the tween a bit longer than the over , so it will slowly fade out, if you want i can make a quick fla. :smirk:


or …

or u could do that, lol ,:beam:

your method is good, though its not really like the macromedia one, the roll out is longer than the over. can this be done in code as well?

oh !! so sorry soulty :-\

i didn’t see the if you want i can make a quick fla part … :*(

can the delay of the out tween be done in code? using your method?

i guess so … [size=1]untested[/size]

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest (_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
this.nextFrame ()
} else {
this.gotoAndStop (1)

like that ??

thats the same as the fla isent it?

with that code, is it possible to have a longer tween for the out than have the same tween for both over and out.

well … as i can see … there’s no out animation in macromedia’s buttons

?? that’s what the last code does … it plays forward and returns to its original state when your mouse is not over them …

maybe i’m not getting your point … can you post your quick fla ? so i can see what are you talking exactly ??

ok here is the effect , as you can see the out tween is longer than the over tween, can this be done with your code??

oh i see …

the answer is no … the code would fade in and out the mc at the same fps :-\

could you use frame labels where the tween is, and call them for when the hittest is true and false?

well yes … but you’d need to use a flag so it won’t keep playing the same frame inAnimation

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest (_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
if (!flag) {
flag ++
} else {
delete flag

or something like that …

kool, i 'll give it a go. =)

Thanks kax and Soulty!

They are what I wanted, cheers! I have looked at Kax’s file, I am really surprised at how simple it is, supposed I need to know more about flash! :blush:
