I spent 20min trying to create some cool effects for my site’s new design, the current button is just fading effects…anyone know of any good ones? or ideas?
ps.doe anyone know how to do some of the stuff that http://www.firestormpc.com has?
I spent 20min trying to create some cool effects for my site’s new design, the current button is just fading effects…anyone know of any good ones? or ideas?
ps.doe anyone know how to do some of the stuff that http://www.firestormpc.com has?
The buttons on that site you posted are made with tweens and some nice graphics. It’s nothing to complicated so I put together a really simple example for you to take a look, hopefully it will give you some ideas.
The important thing is to know how it actually works, in the example I made for you, I’m using hittest to create the rollOver effect.
If you have any questions then just ask. =)
very nice…never seen someone do AS with buttons…but i’m truly amazed…but i don’t understand the AS, but willing to learn…
if you don’t understand the code check the actionscript dictionary
everything is there
yea…i was gonna do that…
ps. electrongeek…u seriously have an AMAZING site…that is the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen…:A+:
Hey thanks Maxtr0sity, glad you like it. =)
Wow! Is EG using movie clips for buttons?! I taught you well my son :*(
And … TOLD YA SO!!! (about your site… you know what I am talking about)
Very intresting, I have never seen a button done this way with actionscript. I dont understand why the MC does not just loop, because I did not see any “Stop” commands?
And how exactley does the “nextFrame” and “prevFrame” commands actually work? Do they just play the clip once to the end stopping at the last frame? If anyone is willing to shed some light on the matter it would be appreciated.
nextFrame() does as it says, it moves to the next frame Of course when it reaches the end of the animation there are no more next frames, so it stays at the end. Then when the hitTest is false it plays prevFrame() which is the previous frame. And once the animation is back to frame 1 there are no more previous frames so it stays there
In Flash MX you can also use on handlers on movie clips that could previously only be used on buttons.
Things like on (press), on (release), on(rollOver), on (rollOut), etc, etc.
well…i tried to modify it…didn’t come out good…how would i do that effect in a button?..because i hav no idea how to do the “down” action in a movieclip…
The example file I posted is made with a movieclip so model it after the file I posted and you shouldn’t have a problem.
Double click on the movieclip and you’ll see how it was set up inside as well.
i saw that, but since i’m not experienced in AS, i don’t know how to use the code to do a button animation…:-\
Well what exactly are you trying to do? Describe what kind of button animation you want to do and I’ll see if I can help you with it.
There are more than one way to do things so I could probably show you an easier way.
well…take a look at this button…i know it is extremely sad…and i can do a lot better…i just wanted some fade effects or other cool effects to happen…the colors will be changed…but its embarrasing…
Ok I get an error with both of those links. Go ahead and attach the file along with your post and I’ll take a look at it.
while u were posting…i fixed it…sry
Here you go, I took your button file and added a lil bit more to it to make it a bit more interesting.
I used the same hitTest method as the first button I posted, please model your button after my sample, it’s much more easier than how you set up yours.
Hopefully this will give you more ideas. =)
UR AN ABSOLUTE GENIUS!..i would love to use that kind of effect…now…wat if i wanted a “Down” command that comes up like if I was to do it in a button?
Like I said before, there are more than one way to do things in flash and here I’m showing you the easiest way.
To create the down state, I added this tid bit of code to the existing AS so far:
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
this._alpha = 50
onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
this._alpha = 100
What it basically does it reduce the alpha (opacity) of the movieclip to 50 when the mouse button is down and when you let go of the mouse button, it goes back up changing the alpha back to 100.
Take a look at the new sample. =)
wow…i’m amused…ummm…so basically…the _alpha thingy can be changed to almost every command rit?..lik…_brightness?
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