Buy a PC? or Build?

Ok, should I buy this?

(tell me if its’ good, it looks good)

or should i venture out and build my own… keeping in mind I know a BIT about installing things, but I’m no expert, and have never done it before. I dunno what MOBO’s are compatiable with which graphics cards etc;

please help :p:

building a computer is pretty easy, not to mention much cheaper. plus you’ll know the way things work and be able to fix more problems that may arise.

built mine for around $500 with 19 inch monitor and wireless optical mouse.

the clincher is the wireless optical mouse…dont do it if you cant get the wireless optical mouse…hahahahahahahaha…hojo too funny.

I spent about 1000$ on mine in total… I bought the parts and built it myself, it’s pretty easy yeah :slight_smile:

gotta have the optical wireless mouse, then you gotta get some batteries because the life of them are sucked dry from this monster of a mouse

Or you can get the Logitech MX700 Cordless Optical, which has a charging station.

*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
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but those are american prices / stores … im canadian <:}