Bye bye forum

I removed my forum, it was completely useless.

that sucks… sorry man.

:frowning: :*(
oh well… snif… snifff…

oh well (still dont know how to skin mine) i suppose it was for the best…

It was so good to. you just need to advertise more, i have my link on my flash site. im trying to help :frowning:

aw…i just signed up yesterday. :frowning:

don’t worry folks, I have a backup… when I get my site up properly (whenever THAT is), I may reopen it. IF I actually hvae some traffic… worth mentioning…

mmh thought you were leaving kirupaforumcom… wow. Sorry man though. I cant multiforumize myself too much…

lol mlk, i thought that when i first saw it too!

what? Did it shock you??

check your PM’s eilsoe! :slight_smile:

shock! oh no! i was in denial! i swear i was almost through to my shrink when i read the post and hung up cause i made a mistake, few!

hey s-fx, I read your PM a few days ago… or yesterday… can’t remember :sure: I’ll get back to ya on it, my head is all stuffed with all sorts of things.

umm, did you check the tutorials about multi-sub objects on ?

[edit] Lol dippy :stuck_out_tongue: I’m not going anywhere for a while :wink:

Dang it… I was gonna post a ton of crap soon too cuz it’s almost summer and I need to get some stuff out there…
man… sorry to see it go

It was pretty :frowning:

eilsoe: ok :stuck_out_tongue: Yeah, i went through the tutorial, didn’t seem to work but ill have to try again tho… any help at all is gladly accepted :slight_smile:

well, I didn’t know about multi-sub objects 'till I saw that tut… so… it’s pretty straight forward :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear that eilsoe :frowning:

Your forum was great, it just didn’t get enough traffic, so I understand why you did it.

not enough traffic? That’s the understatement of the year! :stuck_out_tongue:

hehe… I had like… 1 post per month… maybe…

it was just undiscovered