Cable vs DSL

Are the speeds pretty much comparable between DSL and Cable? For example, I have 5 mbps Cable right now, to get the same speed w/ DSL would I have to get 5 mbps? Or is there a conversion rate/thingy? I’ve noticed my cable getting pretty slow at peak times, would this be any different with DSL?

DSl is slower but more reliable but ya know thta right that i’m extremmely sure doesn’t happen in DSL i run DSL on a wireless lan and the lan will loose connection

but if you want both yuo could always boost out $800 a month for T3 which is reliable and well imeasurably fast

I was actually thinking about that lol.

holy crap dude 800 dollars a month sure its as fast as a LAN but dude 800 dollars you could buy an ok computer for that price

lol, i didn’t say that I had 800 bucks a month for a t3, but i was considering it (i dont think it’s available in my area though)

i say whatevers cheapest, as long as its not dialup!

cable is reliable as long as you dont have a zillion tv splitters and have a good boost going into your house - and its way faster than dsl.

I’ve had cable for 6 years…at one point i switched to dsl, but the speed was not nearly as good, so i switched back to cable…from my experience, cable is very reliable, and can support a small home network with ease…