Hello, I’m new to the forum, and I want to address my problem with my webpage. I graduated recently as a graphic design major, and I have been working on a webpage to display my portfolio. The site is done in Flash, using minimal actionscripting, and utilizing all of my knowledge of Flash (which in reality is not all that much…and also I’m not a good programmer, either). The site also implements the Tell Target function; in fact, it is this that makes the site unique and dynamic, serving a graphic design and stylistic purpose. It also matches my corporate/ graphic design identity.
Anyway, I’ve encountered two problems with my page so far, and I have yet to finish the page itself and won’t until I can fix it. First, in the movie clips between swf files, a white flash appears (which is not supposed to be there; the idea is to show the page as one entire seamless, uninterrupted movie clip. The white flashes between the swf files are disrupting the overall feel of the page). This problem does not happen when I run it on Flash MX(since I did create the file in MX), but it does when running MX 2004, and when uploading it onto the web, apparently.
Another problem is the loading time between the clips (I don’t know why that happens; I tried my best to keep the images in each of the files as low in resolution and file size as I could and it still does it).
For anyone who is interested in helping me (and let me say that it is greatly appreciated if you do so), this is the link to my current prototype of the webpage: www.marxminexodus.com/prototype
In case you would like to download the files themselves, here is the link to them: www.marxminexodus.com/the_goods
Again, if anyone could take the time to help, it will be GREATLY appreciated, and if anyone has any questions concerning this matter, feel free to drop a line. I should also note that when first entering the site, the buttons are hidden, and I intentionally did that strictly for design/style purposes…If anyone can make suggestions on how to make this effectively work, feel free to input some comments on that as well.