Can anyone help me with my webpage?

Hello, I’m new to the forum, and I want to address my problem with my webpage. I graduated recently as a graphic design major, and I have been working on a webpage to display my portfolio. The site is done in Flash, using minimal actionscripting, and utilizing all of my knowledge of Flash (which in reality is not all that much…and also I’m not a good programmer, either). The site also implements the Tell Target function; in fact, it is this that makes the site unique and dynamic, serving a graphic design and stylistic purpose. It also matches my corporate/ graphic design identity.

Anyway, I’ve encountered two problems with my page so far, and I have yet to finish the page itself and won’t until I can fix it. First, in the movie clips between swf files, a white flash appears (which is not supposed to be there; the idea is to show the page as one entire seamless, uninterrupted movie clip. The white flashes between the swf files are disrupting the overall feel of the page). This problem does not happen when I run it on Flash MX(since I did create the file in MX), but it does when running MX 2004, and when uploading it onto the web, apparently.

Another problem is the loading time between the clips (I don’t know why that happens; I tried my best to keep the images in each of the files as low in resolution and file size as I could and it still does it).

For anyone who is interested in helping me (and let me say that it is greatly appreciated if you do so), this is the link to my current prototype of the webpage:

In case you would like to download the files themselves, here is the link to them:

Again, if anyone could take the time to help, it will be GREATLY appreciated, and if anyone has any questions concerning this matter, feel free to drop a line. I should also note that when first entering the site, the buttons are hidden, and I intentionally did that strictly for design/style purposes…If anyone can make suggestions on how to make this effectively work, feel free to input some comments on that as well.

i don’t understand your problem…what’s up??

i don’t understand your problem…what’s up??
exactly…what do yo need?

If you want a critique:

I like the basic idea, but I don’t exactly like it the way it is now. First off, it is really hard to tell that yo have to click somewhere. It took me like 2 mins to figure out I had to find the spot to click to continue, which I found by chance, the first thing I would do is add some words so you get a general idea of what your suppose to click. Next, why have such an annoying enter sequence, it may be sorta cool at first but after doing it more then twice it is really kinda tedius. Sorry for being so hard on you, but these are big things that I would fix. Like I said I like the general idea, but it could use a lot of work. :thumb:

Hmm, looks like that the white flash between your sections happens because you load a new .swf, but replace the old one with it. And since the new .swf takes (quite) a while to load, you’ll have to stare at a white screen.

Getting the ‘seamless’ illusion could be done by loading them to container movieclips. That way the previous section stays there until the next one is loaded.

Oh, and preloaders are a must.
Not everyone is on a broadband connection… I am, though, but it still took way too long to load the next image.

But hey, I like the idea you have there! :thumb:
[size=1](though it took quite a while to find out what to click…)[/size]

try using different scenes

DON’T use scenes. Go with what Zakalwe said. Especially adding preloaders. And (just my opinion) that whole runaround deal to start the site has got to change. Your gonna lose visitors left and right.

especially 56Kers coz it takes a gud minute or 2 to load each image and wen u realise that your still god only knows how far away from the ACTUAL site u lose interest fast.
also personal preferance, i dont like your negative thing - sjust causing my eyes undue harm! what did they ever do to you?? lol
seriously though, if thats your style keep it. but lose the run around intro… im still trying to get into the bulk of your site as we speak…

aha, finally… ok if your determined to use those invisible buttons at least sync them with the image a bit better. atm it just seems random…
and regardless, please, make them bigger? i just got flashes of the blue before i worked out where its corresponding button was!!


PS there isnt any content yet is there? if not then u definitely need to do sumit for us 56Kers!!

First off, I appreciate the feedback, even if it’s negative (no, really, I do…); besides, if I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t like graphic design anyway :slight_smile: I will get on it, since a couple of my graphic design friends said the same thing about the prototype site. No problem. That can be fixed.

Now, second, as far as preloaders, I kinda need help on getting it set up since my knowledge is limited. Also, the movie clip containers (Now why didn’t I think of that before?), do I have to have a movieclip container for each file (as in, for each of the .fla files, do I need a movieclip container in order for the “seamless” effect to work properly?) Maybe I am phrasing the question properly, but I hope anyone can get the gist of what I’m saying at least.

I’m using a cable modem, so I can’t complain, but I didn’t realize that the loading time would be a big issue for 56K users…silly me. and will show you the basis for pretty much every flash site out there. External swf’s preloaded into a main swf.
Just adapt the methods to your needs.

Then I found this
you could probable adapt this to work for your intro run-around, just a thought.

if you’re pressed for time, that preloader might work. it’s quick and easy to implement.

and i agree with what several people here said about the usability of your site. just think about all the money, projects, or jobs you could loose because an art director couldnt figure out how to navigate your site!!!

yo, i dont know about you… but i’m saying, just thinking about that** ‘money gone’** would make me nauseous… :puzzle:


I hear ya, man…I’m working on it right now…Fortunately for me, I got a job for the next year (or 3 depending on how it all works out)…going off the topic, it’s not a design job, but a teaching job in Japan…just spending time to get this site done before leaving is all that matters right now