note that when you click on a link after the first one the first page is displayed while the next is loading…i kno this is rubbish but i’ll put preloaders there in good time:)
could I ask if I do put preloaders there, where should I put them and will they work?
The text on the home page is very busy, u got text on top from left right …all over the place, give user a opportunity to read 2-3 sentence of ur text just to tease him to click to read more…
once u click a second enter…dont send it to the first page…I know ur loader is there, but it doesnt make sense to see that enter over and over…u see enter only once on the beginning and that’s it, u never go back, unless user refresh the site
Dont ever scale ur movie with the broswer, cause more and more people have big *** screens, so ur site will not look as professional once scaled in big resolutions.
Change your pre-loader, when it says its 100% the load bar has only progressed half way. Why are there 2 enter pages? you click enter on the first and you get to what looks like your main site, then you click on the enter button on that page and you get sent to the first page again?