it’s still beta but u may check it out :
don’t be too harsh in your critics and send suggestions. It needs to be improved.
Here are a few things I noticed.
On your opening splash screen, It was not immediatly clear that I had to click the image to enter your site. The custom pointer didnt look as though it was an entry point.
The fonts on the top of your navigation menu were a little hard to read.
You should try loading your movies into your main movie rather than putting them on separate pages and having to load the entire interface on every page.
I like the matrix feel to it…and its much better then what you had while a go, I can see the improvements, but still the site seems to me a bit dirty, dunno if is because its on black or there is just too much stuff
still, look every peace of the site needs a special treatment for site to look good at the end, you start with background, headers, fonts, menu, and montage graphics, when u take time to do each the best u can then your site will look great better then just good.
its a good start!
If your goign to do a site in flash i suggest you create a site which simply has your buttons and whatever you want to be like the layout of your site and then load the sections of your site externally. It beats having to constantly flick through HTML pages. Oh yeah add a preloader with a percentage or kilobytes display so the user knows how far the loading process has advanced instead of the user constantly guessing when the flash is going to load.
I think you have done well so far but you do need to listen to the comments that have been mentioned already.
I agree about the not knowing straightaway how to enter the site.
Why do you have the images on the enter page right justified?
The intro had a nice fast pace to it. I liked that.
I would say stay away from lines like “A new era in web designing”. It is VERY dated.
After the intro, I had to choose to enter or replay the intro again. Personally I think it’s better to just take people into the site after the intro. You could always have a replay intro button within your site!?!?
How do I turn the music off?
Sometimes text was over Sign and read my guest book.
Anyways, it’s a good starting point. Well done.
161 hits? I had 200 hits in one day.
I will try to update my website.I won’t forget to use all your critics to improve…
To MrG
How to make a preloader showing bytes etc…
I could not find one for swish? I’ve try different techniques but it would take too much space
To Sunny
I’m not competing with anyone to see who receives the greatest number of hits
never know
I’m getting problems with preloading 600Kb on dial up?
Even a preloader would take too much time.What can i do?
Oh well, your site is 1000000000000000x times better than mine.