Can i make a flash movie open an .exe file?

See topic. I am bored so i am making a “flash wallpaper,” just to see if it could work out well. I want to be able to click on a button and have it open up a program, like AIM. i tried getURL, but then it brings up the “download” box, where it asks you to open, save, etc. is there a way that i can make it open a file directly?

i tried using fscommand exec, C:/folder/file.exe, but nothing happened.

please help me out.

I don’t think so…

If I’m correct, that would be a security violation from your OS…

I think…


i was thinking that too, but i thought there might be SOME way to do it, because i’m doing it all locally. no internet involved, just the web browser.

yes, you can.

fscommand(“exec”, “file.exe”);

a couple things, first, does that work in MX? someone told that would only work in Flash5. and another, can i ope exes from a different folder, like fscommand(“exec”, “C:\folder\file.exe”);?

I hope that doesn’t work. That would mean Flash poses a serious security threat to your computer.

why would you want to load an .exe from a local machine?

In Windows, it should prompt for open/save, etc.

I’m sure if it could, it would have been exploited by now.


you’re right rev, my bad. :blush:

you can definitely call an .exe file from flash, just like a pdf or any
other file. I would just use _blank on it to make it call a new
window first.

i don’t see why this would be any different locally.

You can try the run protocol handler. Download it here:

I used it when I wanted to run exe’s from a html page’s links


<a href="run:notepad.exe">open notepad</a>

I think it should work with Flash too…

forgot to mention:

it works, but only in a windows projector… you can´t do that on a swf for security reasons :wink:

see that

on (release)
getURL(“FSCommand:exec”, “momaiyaz.exe AutoRun_Demos\SQL_Server_in_the_Enterprise\home.exe”);

i see that in a flash intro for microsoft it is with out fscommand folder .

but they put a file (( momaiyaz .exe )) in cd and if i remote this file the links dosn’t work ;(

but i can not know how can i build a file like (( momaiyaz .exe ))

thanks, thybalt. that did it for me. now i can get back to making my flash wallpaper.

with the run protocol handler, does anyone know how to edit the reg files for WinXP Home Edition?

is this to be used with windowblinds?

nope, no windows blinds

then how is it going to be used on windows? Active desktop?